Fashion Styling Field Trip- Finds Department Store

By Marky - 7:27 AM

PHOTO DIARY-Hi guys!I just got home from I'm shoe in love bazaar with my SoFa classmates. Super fun Saturday! I'll make a separate post on that tomorrow. For now, I'll be sharing some photos from our last field trip in Finds department store. I really don't know anything about Finds, good thing Ms. Marina introduced us to the people behind this store. We are told to accomplish two challenges, Create a shopping page, we as the models and Mannequin Styling. 

My Groupmates: Richard, Patricia, and Kim

Here are some of the unedited photos for our shopping page
Richard: Punky

Marky: Glam

Patricia: Chic

Kim: Bohemian

Good job guys! Fall Finds, I'll post our finish material tomorrow :)

 Mannequin Styling. The Mannequin styling challenge was really a tough challenged since it has a time limit. Our looks should be a representation of Finds department store. 

Final looks! Very Forever 21 and Topman. :)

Ara, Nicole, Steffy, Vaneesa, and Yna's group. The winner of the challenge. Congratulations!

Dressing up the lady mannequin. Will told me that it's very me! hahaha. 

Jorence, Maggie, Clarisse, and John's group

Happy shoppers of Finds :)

Kim, Jorenz, Pat, and Clarisse. Happy Lemon, Rockwell

Thanks for checking. Have a great weekend!

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