Neutral Pieces

By Marky - 5:34 PM

Rules are meant to be broken, especially when it comes to styling. So, instead of holding off wearing your favorite white jeans until after March, why not turn into this classic fashion statement now. Just keep these chic styling tips in mind, and you’ll be set for summer. Piece # 1. White Pants—If you don’t have this classic jeans in your closet, the beginning of summer is the perfect time to pick a pair up. I got this white jeans from Forever 21 SALE last March 16-18 Piece # 2. Blazer/ Cardigan- Though its Summer we can still pair a gray top and Black Blazer/Cardigan to add a classic look to our style. Piece # 3. Gray top- Plain gray shirt can mix to any white or black pieces. I highly recommend V-neck or plain gray top-it can add basic style to our look. Piece # 4. Bag- This bag is one of perfect piece for this style. Also for this season :) Piece # 5. Loafers- Since I'm talking about the Neutral Pieces, I got this loafers from Golddot in Trinoma. You can visit the site Pointed heels is the perfect piece for this style, However I can't wear high heels :)HAHA Here are some looks:

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